Whether you're running your ERP on-premise or off-premise, we've got you covered. We have a long-standing partnership with Infor, and our knowledge of integrations is vast - especially around Infor M3.
Our expertise encompasses many different areas and products at Infor:
Infor ION
Infor MeC / IEC
Infor EventHub
Infor EventAnalytics
Infor EAM
Infor Business Object Documents (BOD) / OAGiS
Infor IDM
Infor DataLake
Let the next project be your best
Many products in Infor CloudSuite are ranked very high by Gartner and are developed rapidly. Many products in Infor CloudSuite are ranked very high by Gartner and are developed rapidly. We are constantly working on projects that demand more and push the boundaries, which leads us to request new functionality in Infor products. Are you running a version of Movex? Don't worry—we can do it, too!
Co-existence with other integration solutions
IT decisions for implementing new applications to support business needs have been delegated and spread throughout the organization. The ability to invest in different types of cloud-based application solutions has created a situation where companies have ended up with many best-of-breed applications and hybrid solutions that are not optimally integrated.